"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:35
There are many opportunities for you to serve and be served by the ministries of Jefferson Avenue. The list below is just a small sample of all that is happing at JA. To volunteer, contact the ministry leaders listed below or complete this sign-up sheet and return it to the church office.

AGAPE Counseling
Jefferson Avenue has partnered with AGAPE to provide clinical, Christian counseling services. Counseling is one of the simplest ways to achieve a happier, healthier you. When you meet with a clinician for counseling, you’ll have the opportunity to speak openly about any challenges you may be having. Together, you and your counselor will work to build a plan and identify the tools to help you tackle any issues and get you back to being your full self.
Helping Our Community
The Helping Our Community ministry is always on the lookout for ways to share the love to Jesus with Cookeville. Through activities such as our bi-annual community service days, the Food Pantry, and Benevolence there are lots of ways for you to be involved. Members: For more information connect with Rob Porter or Bill Hallcomb through the JA App.

Helping Our Family
The Helping Our Family ministry seeks to serve other members of the Jefferson Avenue congregation. This team does things like helping older members with basic household chores, taking meals to shut-ins, or deliver annual fruit baskets at Christmas. Members: For more information, connect with Andy Milton via the JA App.
Mother's Day Out
Mother's Day Out is a part-time preschool program for ages 1 (and walking) through 4. The program is open to anyone and follows the Putnam County School System calendar. MDO takes place on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.

The Enrichment Ministry looks for ways to draw the JA family closer together. They coordinate events such as fellowship meals, retreats, family game nights, and special events like the Sweethearts Banquet. Members: For more information, connect with Tim Farris, Ken Mayes, or Bud Simpson via the JA App.
Building Maintenance, Operations, and Grounds
The building and grounds ministry oversees the maintenance and operations of our campus. There are opportunities to serve in areas such as our fellowship center kitchen operations, grounds maintenance, minor construction, and other activities. Members: For more information, connect with Chad Gilbert or Seth Gilbert via the JA App.

There are numerous opportunities for members to help plan and lead in our worship assemblies. There are opportunities for men to lead in public acts of worship and for both men and women to serve on our worship planning committe. Members: For more information, connect with Andy Brewster or David Fox via the JA App.
Multimedia, Social Media, and Office Technology
For the technically talented, there are lots of opportunities to serve in areas like multi-media, social media, photography, videography, website maintenance, and general office technology. These communication skills are vital to our ministry efforts at JA and we need your help. This is an area where anyone can serve - teens, adults, women and men - we need you all. Members: For more information, connect with Carter Ashby, Don Viar, or Don Foy via the JA App.

Each time we gather for worship or Bible study on Sundays and Wednesdays, a volunteer security team monitors our entrances for the safety of those gathered. We are grateful for their service and the sacrifice of not being able to join us in our assembly. Members: For more information, connect with Bobby Lane or Ken Mayes via the JA App.
The transportation ministry maintains JA's fleet of vans and coordinates transport to and from the building for those in need. Each Sunday and Wednesday a driver runs a route to pickup those who could not otherwise travel to be part of our assembly. We are always on the lookout for new drivers! Members: For more information, connect with Phillip Burr or Ken Mayes via the JA App.